Blend: Flowers and herbs
Deadline: Fall 2020 – Spring 2021
Site preparation: turf was removed in autumn and the first cultivation of the land was made, in spring the land was re-cultivated and seeds were sown
Area: 2500 m2
Flower meadows is part of the „EcoLogiczny Radom” program implemented by the commune of the City of Radom. The first part of it was to limit grass mowing in urban areas to counteract drought.
The places for the meadows were selected by the Radom Municipal Services Institute in consultation with the municipal nature conservator. After the success of the pilot meadows, the city authorities are encouraging the managers of green areas, including the boards of housing cooperatives to consider replacing lawns with sown flower meadows.
– Meadows met with a great acceptance of the society. We even receive written praise for this initiative of ours. Thank you very much for such a friendly response. We are planning in the coming years – Flower meadows is one of the projects selected by the inhabitants of Radom under the Civic Budget. If this solution is accepted and liked by the residents, we will want to create such flowery areas in other places. At the same time, I encourage you to take similar actions also housing cooperatives or private owners and administrators of real estate throughout the city – says Mateusz Tyczyński, vice-president of Radom.